Estonian Fisheries Groups
The territory of the Republic of Estonia covers 45 227 km2, including the two large islands of Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. It has
approximately 3 780 km of coastline. Hydrogeographically, Estonia lies entirely within the Baltic Sea catchment. Most of its 420 rivers
are short; the longest is the Pärnu River (144 km). Lakes are generally small, except for Lake Peipsi, on the eastern border, which is
the fifth-largest lake in Europe.
In the field of fisheries, different directions are represented in Estonia: deep sea and coastal fishing, inland water fishing and fish
According to the Estonian fisheries strategy, the diversity of the fisheries sector must be preserved. The more concrete goals of the
strategy are: increasing the income of fishermen; balancing fishing possibilities and capacities; placing the highest possible value on
fish in Estonia, so that the fisherman could get the biggest possible profits for the caught fish; developing fish farming as an unused potential.
Fisheries Groups network's main task is to promote the exchange of knowledge and experience at the level of Estonia, to support the initiation of cooperation, arrange cooperation-promoting
thematic meetings and to arrange trainings for the active groups. The activities of the network promotes the exchange of information on local, Estonia and the European Union level.
Rural Economy Research Centre Rural and Fisheries Networks Department situates in Jäneda, Tapa, Lääne-Virumaa ESTONIA
European Fisheries Fund has launched a sustainable fisheries development support, which is the first time in Estonia when coastal fishermen and organizations operating in the coastal region to
has the opportunity to consider jointly the future of fisheries and coastal area, and to draw up a development strategy. Support-measure enables to support the fishing sector in the socioeconomic
difficulties by various courses of action: renewing of cutter arbor and unshipping places, processing and direct marketing of fish, the development of fishing-related tourism and the
regeneration of coastal villages, diversification of activities, training activities.
Estonia has set up action groups in eight Fisheries areas. These voluntary associations are non-profit organizations. General objectives of the groups are sustainable development of fishery,
development of the strategic plan of the area and support for achieving the objectives of the strategy.
• Increase the enterprice of local fishing industry in the area;
• Elaborate the strategic plan of the area;
• Support the implementation of the fisheries development strategy – organiseing contests of project, and advising the members of the action groups, informing the inhabitants of the
region and members of the action groups;
• Promote cooperation of public, private and non-profit sektor;
• Betterment of cooperation with other associations in Estonia and elsewhere in Europe, participating in international, national, regional and local fishing developing projects.