See Lake Võrtsjärv!

(3-day, the product package is offered during the spring and autumn seasons from 20th April to 20th May and from 25th September to 5th November)

DESCRIPTION: A group (an optimum number of 10-15 people) will arrive at the Võrtsjärve Visiting Centre in Rannu-Jõesuu, where they will be welcomed by a representative of Lake Võrtsjärv Foundation (Mrs. Maret Kallejärv) and the trip leader of a birdwatching trip (Natourest Ltd., Triin Ivandi). The options of the visiting centre and the area as a whole will be introduced, a short overview of bird species in transmigration (Anseriformes, Charadriiformes, Anatidae, etc) given. Light lunch will be served in the café of the visiting centre. Birdwatching will be conducted at Lake Võrtsjärv on 1st day and in the Alam-Pedja Nature Reserve on 2nd and 3rd day within a gigantic canoe trip.

The most representative bird location at Lake Võrtsjärv is the Väike-Rakke Polder, especially in the migration periods and at a high water level. The Anseriformes and Charadriiformes feed in fields between Tamme and Sangla and rest on the flooded polder. Up to 35,000 individuals of geese (mostly the Greater White-fronted Goose) have been counted here in spring, while even up to 50,000 individuals in autumn; also rarities have been encountered among geese – the Red-Breasted Goose, for instance. The Wigeon, Shoveler and Garganey, Goldeneye and Pochard rest in great numbers on the polder, while the Smew, Great Crested Grebe and Red-necked Grebe and other aquatic birds may be encountered here too. Of the Charadriiformes, the Curlew, Ruff, Wood Sandpiper and Spotted Redshank rest on the polder in the largest numbers. Also such rarities, as the Marsh Sandpiper, Little Crake and Citrine Wagtail, have been spotted in Väike-Rakke. The large number of resting aquatic birds will also attract a large number of birds of prey. A number of the Bittern, Marsh Harrier, European and Great Reed Warbler nest in the thickets of reeds of Lake Võrtsjärv. During the autumn migration, a peculiarity of Lake Võrtsjärv is massive transmigration of the Smew (in addition to the large flocks of geese).

The Tamme Outcrop Landscape Protection Area is situated on the east shore of Lake Võrtsjärv, in an area between Tamme and Neemisküla Villages of Rannu Rural Municipality. The sandstone of the Aruküla bed is exposed here. The Tamme outcrop is known as a deposit of the Placodermi. Here and there a good view on the lake opens from the high outcrop.

After an interesting birdwatching day full of impressions, the people will be taken to Vaibla to the Veldeman Guesthouse, where they will have dinner and stay for the night. The sauna will be heated for the visitors too.

In addition to the birdwatching in the outdoors, we offer a magnificent slideshow, “Bird’s-eye view of the River Emajõgi”, presented by the nature photographer Arne Ader, who is one of the authors of the said show. If a more general overview of Estonian nature is desired, it is possible to order another slideshow from the collection of Arne Ader. Arne Ader is also a great storyteller and will surely add extra value to the photos with his talk.

In the morning of the second day breakfast will be eaten in the Veldemam Guesthouse and then the people will head for Rannu-Jõesuu, where the group will be welcomed by the guide of a canoe trip (hiking guide of 360 Kraadi Ltd, Bert Rähni), who will introduce the itinerary, give an overview of the trip planned, speak about safety and make sure that all the members of the group are equipped with lifejackets.

The main themes of the canoe trip on the River Alam-Pedja are the nature and diverse network of the inland waters of one of the largest and most difficultly accessible protection areas of Estonia. We will row on the Rivers Emajõgi, Pede, Põltsamaa, make a tour around Lake Võrtsjärv, see the beavers, listen to the birds and howl the wolves out of the woods. The people will canoe from Jõesuu to Palupõhja Village, leave their belongings in the nature school and eat hiking dinner.

Before the sunset they will return to the river, since only then it becomes really exciting there. The old rivers of the River Emajõgi serve as an ideal habitat for beavers. We will row quietly to a beaver lodge, where we will probably be lucky enough to observe an animal. As it is getting dark, we will be going downstream quietly and trying to hear the howl of the wolves. The wolves are very keen on communicating, especially in autumn, as cubs are being taught wolf life. The roe deer, pigs and moose will come to feed in the meadows followed by a pack of wolves. We may be lucky to happen to be in the same area with the wolves in that very evening …

In the evening the sauna will be heated and impressions exchanged before a fireplace. On the second day of the hike the people will row to the mouth of the River Pede and on to the River Põltsamaa. The hike will end at the Laashoone Bridge. During the day we will see a wide variety of river landscapes – first the powerful and rapid Suur-Emajõgi, then the quiet, wide, straight and dark-watered Pede, and finally the narrow and winding Põltsamaa.

The group will be taken to the next destination desired, if need be.

PROVIDERS: Lake Võrtsjärv Foundation, Natourest Ltd., 360 Kraadi Ltd., Veldemani Guesthouse, Loodusemees Ltd.


See Lake Võrtsjärv on Kaleboat 
